Enable touch-free payment for any credit or debit card featuring a contactless indicator symbol.
Contactless Payments
Speed up card-present transactions with tap-to-pay functionality. NFC-enabled credit card terminals let you easily process chip cards and other touchless digital payment methods.
Curbstone supports contactless payments for a variety of transaction types:
Tap to Pay by Card
Tap to Pay by Phone
Let customers pay by phone with digital payment methods such as Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Tap to Pay by Device
Accept payments from wearable devices such as Apple Pay-enabled smart watches or fitness trackers.
Curbstone’s contactless card technologies can be fully integrated with your IBM i-based ERP system or accounting/financial solutions, allowing you to bring all your transaction data together on one platform. Our NFC-enabled terminals arrive pre-configured and ready to use, making setup simple.
How do Contactless Payments Work?
Contactless payments allow customers to pay for their purchases without physically inserting their card into a terminal. A card or device is waved or tapped near an NFC (near-field communication)-enabled credit card terminal; the card reader generates a code and sends it to a processing network. The network verifies the data and sends a response back to the terminal. The validation process takes 2 to 3 seconds – roughly the same as a “traditional” credit card transaction.

Make Contactless Payment Security Simple
Contactless payments are generally very secure (more so than traditional magnetic stripe cards!) Each transaction generates a unique one-time use code that cannot be used for subsequent transactions. NFC technologies transmit data over radio waves that are essentially impossible to intercept – even at short range or by someone in possession of another functioning NFC reader. And, because the contactless card or device doesn’t make physical contact with the machine, there’s less of a risk of the card details being skimmed as well.
Adding an additional level of security to contactless payments, Curbstone generates EMV tokens for each in-person transaction. As a merchant, you store this token – not your customers’ direct payment data – on your system. Even if your systems were breached, your customers’ card details would not be accessible.
Explore Contactless Payments for Your Business
With analysts projecting more than $15 trillion in global contactless payment transactions by 2029, many merchants are expanding their payments infrastructure to accommodate these new options now.
Curbstone’s payment processing technologies are designed for use across multiple channels; you can easily manage payments for retail, mail orders, phone orders, and online transactions on one platform. Choose the technologies you need now, then add new options as your company grows.